"Doing The Chores," tells a story about learning the basics for building a strong work ethic from influential leaders in my life - my grandparents. I call these fundamentals "smart followership skills” in honor of my grandpa. When he handed us a chore, he'd end with the phrase “... and be smart about it.” What he meant by this was for us to focus on doing the chore accurately, timely, and safely. My book’s lessons serve as a solid foundation for getting recognized, rewarded, and considered for an advanced role or greater job responsibilities.
"Doing The Chores," explores the dynamic relationship between the farmers and the farmhands on the farm, including us grandkids who initially worked in a support (follower) role. However, our goal was to discover our ambition to manage, lead, and collaborate. Throughout the book, I stress the importance of both leadership and followership roles in achieving a successful harvest. Our grandparents, Virgil and Clarissa Franz, had vital leadership and management skills for making important decisions, while our hard work as farmhands was essential for daily operations. Ultimately, our experience on the farm provided us with a solid foundation to pursue our desired career success.
Doing The Chores